GameOptics forum is open

GameOptics forum is open

lcd.jpgThe USB LCD device I’m playing/hacking around with now has a forum courtesy of the developers. Here’s what Alex from Gameoptics says “Many of you have had such great insights and questions regarding the GO that I invite you to please share them with the rest of the community. This forum is the means to make GO truly yours and you all know how open we are to your feedback. This forum is now the best means to contact either myself or Vicken Simonian, our Director of Software Development, please take a second to check it out”.

bickr, Flickr based photo game

bickr, Flickr based photo game

bickr.jpgSome students at the Interactive Telecommunications program at New York University made a photo game based off of called bickr. bickr uses image-based games to raise group effects where participants share physical spaces and compete with each other and against teams in other physical locations. Photos of the first bickr photo battle station can be found on this flickr group pool, they even have a working bickr photo battle station now.

Altoids vending machines

Altoids vending machines

newest_header.jpgAltoid tins are the project cases of the year it seems. From Altoid’ed cell phone battery packs to minty optical mice. How odd it was to receive this “Curiously Strong” spam that was laser focused for me today (View image). I’ve been looking to make a gumball-like machine to embed a pre-paid cell phone with extended battery pack to SMS me when the “treat” levels get low, part of my research led me to think I’ll need a pretty hardcore enclosure to do this up proper. How fitting that I might use an Altoid gumball dispenser to mod, just like it’s tiny tin cousin.

DIY MIDI drum pads!

DIY MIDI drum pads!

diydrums.jpgPeter Kim sent this along- Handy musician Nathaniel Andrew has step-by-step instructions for building DIY drum triggers on the cheap. (via audioserve) You’ll need to score yourself some cheap Remo practice pads, and there is a little bit of hard work, though nothing impossible. Nathaniel claims the whole job takes 20 minutes, requiring only some standard components from Radio Shack, a soldering iron, a small piece of sheet metal, an X-acto, epoxy, a drill, and cutting sheers.