RoboGames 2005

RoboGames 2005

figure3.jpgQuinn Norton on the O’Reilly network covers the 2005 RoboGames held at San Francisco State University. There’s robot combat action of course, but I really liked this one– Tirion, age ten, built his towel-carrying robot for the classic hacker’s reason–to scratch his own itch. He didn’t like getting cold between getting out of the pool and getting his towel, so he built a robot that could eventually bring him a towel. It’s not quite ready for poolside, but it took silver in the Mindstorms Open.

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

trippy.jpgVia DiggHere’s a great optical illusion, it kinda makes me dizzy after a bit though. And here’s another site which also has a lot of other ones, equally dizzying. None of these are animated GIFs, they work by simulated nonlinear luminance adaptation and simulated contrast adaptation- more about that here. I think I’ll try to make a wall sized one. If I could make one large enough I bet a crowd could potentially cause free-throwers to miss at a basketball game (slate had an article on one attempt like this).