Search Results for: POV

281 - 300 of 367 results

Live via hologram


During tonight’s election coverage, CNN pulled out some deep tech, displaying Jessica Yellin live via hologram. I looked closely and...

Read to Feed


Cindy at Skip To My Lou is gathering up crafty bloggers to share their favorite books and projects on her...

Crow T. Cylon

Crow T. Cylon


Here’s another creative entry for our Make a Cylon contest – MST3K’s Crow T. Robot re-envisioned as a member of...

ITP Show: fLux

ITP Show: fLux


Here is a project by Timothy Twillman that was exhibited at the Spring ITP show. Timothy made a cool, interactive,...

Bikes @ MAKE

Bikes @ MAKE


Gas prices got you down? Sources don’t need to tell us that fixing and riding bikes is the way to...

281 - 300 of 367 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.