Search Results for: pets

21 - 40 of 534 results

How-To: Pop-Up Puppets


By Andrew Lewis When I was very young, I had a pop-up puppet toy that I would play with all...

How-To: Felted Finger Puppets


Marcie of Mossy shares her tutorial for making these adorable felted finger puppets over on Whip Up. I think kids...

Making Puppets With Jim Henson


Bonnie Burton pointed us to this awesome video of Jim Henson’s puppet-making tips and tricks from Iowa Public Television in...

Remote controlled shoulder puppets

Remote controlled shoulder puppets


My significant other was recently given one of these Woodbaby shoulder puppets by a friend of hers who frequents renaissance...

Easter Finger Puppets


Knit up these super cute Easter Finger Puppets by Whitney of The Purl Bee. I love the little chick!

Singing sock puppets

Singing sock puppets


These musical hand puppets by Matthew Irvine Brown look irresistibly fun to play with. Sensors in the puppets mouth measure...

Tentacled Finger Puppets


Check out these tentacled animal finger puppets with… cute hats? Ok, I admit it, I have no idea what animal...

Laser Cut Shadow Puppets


Etsy seller owlyshadowpuppets, aka Andrea, has a laser cutter and knows how to use it to make really cute shadow...

FrankenToys for Pets


Aaron writes: My dog chews through toys rather quickly. In an effort to lengthen their lifespan I’ve begun cobbling them...

Crochet Finger Puppets


Crafty Crafty shows you how easy it is to crochet some finger puppets for kids. So cute! Link.

Flying puppets

Flying puppets


Cynthia sent in this site with some really nice RC planes and birds made from drinking straws and plastic wrap,...

21 - 40 of 534 results

Ready to dive into the realm of hands-on innovation? This collection serves as your passport to an exhilarating journey of cutting-edge tinkering and technological marvels, encompassing 15 indispensable books tailored for budding creators.