
Pi’s The Limit: Eben Upton on Raspberry Pi’s  Exciting Year — and Their New Pi Zero 2 W

Pi’s The Limit: Eben Upton on Raspberry Pi’s Exciting Year — and Their New Pi Zero 2 W

Raspberry Pi’s CEO talks with Make: about custom silicon, the Pico microcontroller, their new Pi Zero 2 W, and lots more.

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Core Memory: Why We Used 60-Year-Old Tech in an Arduino Shield

Core Memory: Why We Used 60-Year-Old Tech in an Arduino Shield

About ten years ago, we designed and made an Arduino shield implementing “core memory,” a technology that was sixty years old even then. Our shield stored 32 individual 1s or 0s using magnetic fields going either clockwise or anticlockwise around 32 tiny doughnuts of magnetisable ‘ferrite’ material. This kind of memory, invented in the 1950s, […]

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Charles Platt - Explaining Electronics

Explaining Electronics

“People think of electronics as a field that changes fast, but the fundamentals don’t change,” said Charles Platt, author of Make: Electronics. “Everything is still made out of transistors; the only difference since 1975 is that the transistors have become smaller! The information in my book is as topical as ever, and it will still […]

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