100uF / 25v capacitor (electrolytic)

Hear with Ultrasound Using a TL494 as a Flanagan Neurophone

Hear with Ultrasound Using a TL494 as a Flanagan Neurophone

Patrick Flanagan invented the “Neurophone” over 40 years ago. His original patent (US3393279) was basically a radio transmitter that could be picked up by the human nervous system. It modulated a one-watt 40kHz transmitter with the audio signal, and used very near-field antennas to couple it to the body. It also used extremely high voltages. […]

Audio Spectrum Analyzer

Audio Spectrum Analyzer

As complicated as I thought this would be, this circuit is using the basic fundamentals of electronics and algebra. The only hard part is perfecting it and expanding it. Click here to see the finished project.