Speed Vest
This lightweight night-cycling vest displays your current speed in glowing, 7-inch-tall numbers easily visible to cars.
This lightweight night-cycling vest displays your current speed in glowing, 7-inch-tall numbers easily visible to cars.
About 13 years ago I learned of some military research into a satellite- and missile-defense device that would propel projectiles using Lenz’s law, which governs the direction of electrical current induced by a changing magnetic field. I decided to make a little gadget based on the same principle for my kids, to get them interested […]
Charge up your USB devices with the power of the sun. By adding a small solar panel and two diodes to a standard USB cable, you can plug that cable into USB devices needing a recharge. It’s so easy. Let’s get started making a solar USB charger. Video shows the Solar USB Charger being tested […]
Build a funky little free-range drumbot that roams, makes beats, and samples.
If tunes are your sleeping pills, and you can’t dream without a soundtrack, now you can get cozy and fall asleep with your Pillow Music. Pillow Music was born from the experience of living — and trying to fall asleep every night — in small shared apartments with the nonstop sounds of the city in […]
This project uses simple electronics to create an alarm circuit for a shoulder bag. The key components are two 1/8″ headphone jacks with “normally closed” switches, which detect whether a plug is in the jack. Wiring two of these jacks in series with an alarm creates a circuit that activates when both plugs are removed. […]
For sous-vide and more — it controls both heating and cooling!