multicolor assortment

Optical Tremolo Box

Optical Tremolo Box

Plug your guitar into light-programmable waveforms with this unique effects box.

Alarm Bag

Alarm Bag

This project uses simple electronics to create an alarm circuit for a shoulder bag. The key components are two 1/8″ headphone jacks with “normally closed” switches, which detect whether a plug is in the jack. Wiring two of these jacks in series with an alarm creates a circuit that activates when both plugs are removed. […]

Solar TV Remote

Solar TV Remote

Powering a TV remote with the sun means you won’t have to buy batteries every six months to surf from your sofa. Low-voltage devices that use power only occasionally, like remotes, are good candidates for a solar-powered trickle-charge. Here’s how we modded our remote to live off of the sun, using rechargeable batteries connected in parallel with a small solar cell and a diode to keep any power from trickling back out.