
peppers ghost

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Pepper’s Ghost Illusion

Pepper’s Ghost is a special effects technique for creating transparent ghostly images. This technique has been a staple of theaters and haunted houses since John Pepper popularized it in the 1800’s. It works by reflecting an image of the ghost off of a sheet of plexiglass. The plexiglass is set at a 45 degree angle in front of the audience. At this angle the background remains clearly visible, but it also reflects a partial image of the ghost that is located off to one side.

Wanted: Halloween Projects, Props, and Creepy Creations

Wanted: Halloween Projects, Props, and Creepy Creations

Since makers love to build their own costumes and create elaborate haunted house displays and props, Halloween is considered by many to be the maker event of the year. During Halloween week we’re going to makers getting their spook on in DIY style. If you’ve got a cool Halloween project, prop, or costume you’d like to share with the MAKE community pass it on even if it’s a work in progress.