
How-To: TRON Bow

How-To: TRON Bow

Becky and Phil’s ongoing quest to TRON-ify the universe, begun back in the summer of 2010 in anticipation of the not-so-much-worth-all-the-anticipation-after-all TRON sequel, continues undeterred by disappointing directorial choices, secure in the knowledge that pretty much anything, jazzed up with EL wire, is awesome.

How-To: Color-Matching Chameleon Scarf

How-To: Color-Matching Chameleon Scarf

Another cool wearables project from Adafruit Director of Wearable Electronics and MAKE alum Becky Stern. In this design, Becky is showing off the capabilities of Adafruit’s FLORA wearable color sensor. She’s sewn it into a circuit with a FLORA microcontroller and 12 FLORA RGB LEDs, on a ruffled scarf designed to diffuse the light and give a softer effect.