Alt.GDC: Earth’s Digital Doppelganger
The Outerra engine has found a unique solution to the problem of generating massive, photo-realistic environments: Base them on real data from Earth. All of Earth.
The Outerra engine has found a unique solution to the problem of generating massive, photo-realistic environments: Base them on real data from Earth. All of Earth.
In the spirit of our ongoing alt.GDC coverage, I thought I’d take just a second to talk about what looks, from my humble vantage, to be The Next Big Thing in video games.
Blake Maloof catches up with the amazing and talented Weta Workshop concept artist and super raygun artificer, Greg Broadmore.
When does fridge magnet poetry not suck? When it’s generating crowdsourced game designs being rendered by famous concept artists?
MAKE goes to GDC to see what’s relevant to makers.