
Teen forced to close fair booth – for Marshmallow shooter!!

Teen forced to close fair booth – for Marshmallow shooter!!

R.Aspx Ben Bustard, 17, of Bucksport dismantles his Marshmallow Shooters booth Tuesday at the Bangor State Fair after he was informed that the cost of $1 million of liability insurance was more than he initially budgeted for. Bustard was selling Marshmallow Shooters, a type of blowgun made from PVC pipe that shoots small marshmallows, similar to the way a cork flies out of the end of a popgun. We have the HOW TO in MAKE volume 02. Link.

The last Phrack…

The last Phrack…

Thumbs Providor-Phrack The final issue of Phrack has been released- For 20 years PHRACK magazine has been the most technical, most original, the most Hacker magazine in the world. The last five of those years have been under the guidance of the current editorial team. Over that time, many new techniques, new bugs and new attacks have been published in PHRACK. We enojoyed every single moment working on the magazine. Link.