
Check out the Maker Shed’s Arduino & Robots Gift Guide!

Check out the Maker Shed’s Arduino & Robots Gift Guide!

Pick up gifts for the robotically inclined with the Arduino & Robots Gift Guide put together by the Maker Shed team. For beginners, there are no-soldering required projects like the Tin Can Robot Kit and the Makey Makey Standard Kit, which turns nearly anything you can think of into a computer key. For the more advanced, give a Getting Started with Arduino Kit v3.0 to those who wish to build electronics projects that sense and react to stimuli.

A Maker’s  Education in Santiago

A Maker’s Education in Santiago

A few months ago, I applied to a little known, first iteration program, called Exosphere. I quit my job in corporate finance, sold most of my belongings, and decided to venture to Santiago, Chile to experience something that I thought would change my life. To my extreme satisfaction, this program has exceeded every expectation that I held in my heart and mind. It has been intensely challenging, but I wouldn’t prefer it any other way.