Programmable fan cart for physics demonstrations
Eric Ayars made this tidy Arduino-Controlled Physics Lab Fan-Cart for simple physics demonstration.
Eric Ayars made this tidy Arduino-Controlled Physics Lab Fan-Cart for simple physics demonstration.
Youtube user textualarmor created a wearable interval camera as a project for a class at Carnegie Mellon. There are so many moments in life that are not considered “photo-worthy,” but in looking back we find ourselves wishing we had pictures to commemorate them. Specifically, I think of the countless bike rides I’ve taken around New […]
These MIDI & Arduino-driven musical instruments — a violin and a glockenspiel(?) — were created by Spanish artist Joan Vallvé as part of Sónar, a music and multimedia festival going on this weekend in Barcelona. The “Violà MIDI” and “Metal·lòfon MIDI” are part of the project to design and construct an automated musical environment. This […]
Pat James built this Arduino Talking Poker Timer to help keep his local poker tournament moving smoothly
Thanks to everyone who came out to yesterday’s First Steps With Arduino Webcast! The video is now available on O’Reilly Media’s YouTube Channel: O’Reilly Webcast: First Steps with Arduino.
The person behind wtfmoogle apparently had problems with their web server, and decided to replace it with an Arduino until a new server can be secured.
In this webcast, Brian Jepson will introduce the basics of Arduino, the open source electronics prototyping platform. You’ll learn what Arduino is, where to get one, and how to connect electronic components to it. You’ll also learn how to write simple programs for Arduino. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to learn more, make more, and have fun prototyping.