
HOW TO – Make LED Throwies

HOW TO – Make LED Throwies

Resistor writes – “Developed by the Graffiti Research Lab, LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends and city […]

Music made with Electroplankton

Music made with Electroplankton

ElectroplanktonMerleon makes wonderful music with Electroplankton with the Nintendo DS – “In 2002 I moved to Japan and I began experimenting with music again but this time with the aide of a good computer and music editing software. I still felt uninspired and as a result produced very little in the way of music. Earlier this year, when I found out about Electroplankton, I was suddenly motivated to create a new type of music that I had never before attempted. When I finally had the chance to experience Electroplankton I instantly knew what my next project would be.” Link.

HOW TO – Stack pennies

HOW TO – Stack pennies

Img413 43Mitch writes “The following is the basic pattern for building cantilevered structures with Pennies. Although it looks trivial, we can build amazing structures with these pillars. All penny columns are ten high, a “stack”. Two side-by-side pennies held in place by a penny above them is called a “triad”. Below is a stack with two triads resting on top.” Thanks Tim! Link.

HOW TO – Pirate Web Camera

HOW TO – Pirate Web Camera

Image 00098Scout’s Pirate web camera project – “So, I got a bit bored with the look of my old Logitech Web Camera. It’s ugly and frankly it’s too obvious. The people in my office know from my pranks to be on the lookout for me so I decided to do an overhaul. Since National “Talk like a Pirate Day” is just around the corner what better way to commemorate this occasion than with a Pirate Web Camera.” Arg! Tbonerocks. Link.