
Prop art

Prop art

There is in fact no evidence that this wonderful perpetually-drumming-fingers automaton by Nik Ramage was ever intended to be anything but a piece of art. But it had the bad fortune to come across my desk in the midst of the Make: Halloween Contest 2009 frenzy so I am hereby diminishing it to the status of Halloween prop. At least potentially. Personally, if I could afford one I’d leave it out all year under a spotlight. Beautiful.

Long Now – Mechanicrawl

Long Now – Mechanicrawl

On July 12th, the Long Now Foundation is presenting the Mechanicrawl event. Mechanicrawl is a progressive tour through the mechanical wonders of San Francisco’s North Shore! You’ll be able to map your own route to see the SS Jeremiah O’Brien with it’s giant steam engine running, the most complex mechanical computer ever built, The Torpedo […]

Tim Hunkin explains it all

Tim Hunkin explains it all

Tim Hunkin is known for his automata – the Disgusting Spectacle at Maker Faire 2007 was inspired by one of his pieces. He’s also a talented explainer. You can find entertaining explanations for a huge range of topics at his site, Rudiments of Wisdom. Related: Tim Hunkin’s giant automaton clock for the London Zoo The […]