
How-To: Arduino Interrupts

How-To: Arduino Interrupts

In a basic Arduino sketch, if you want to take action based on the status of a digital input pin, you’d check the state of the pin repeatedly until a particular condition is met. However, as your sketches become increasingly complex, you’ll find that it’s not always the best way to do this. EngBlaze posted […]

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Arduino Shield Makes 8-Pin Chip Programming a Snap

Arduino Shield Makes 8-Pin Chip Programming a Snap

I was delighted to see the positive reaction to my latest video, Shrinkify Your Arduino Projects, which is based on a tutorial by MIT Media Lab’s High-Low Tech Group. Their tutorial walks you through the process of not only using the Arduino as a programmer for 8-pin ATtiny chips, but also how to use Arduino code and the Arduino IDE to program them. In order to make this process easier, Randy Sarafan created an Arduino shield for programming these diminutive chips. Head over to his Instructable to get the board and learn to build your own!

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How-To: Shrinkify Your Arduino Projects

How-To: Shrinkify Your Arduino Projects

Shrink your Arduino down to a single 8-pin ATtiny chip. Matt shows you how, based on a tutorial from MIT Media Lab’s High-Low Tech Group.

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TVout: Add TV to your next AVR project

The goal of this project is to create a simple interupt driven library for generating composite video on a single AVR chip. Currently the output is NTSC or PAL at a resolution of 128×96 by default. The library currently works on ATmega168,328,1280,644p Interested? Download the code.

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