
BioBrainstorming: A Biomimicry Tool

BioBrainstorming: A Biomimicry Tool

Biomimicry finds models in nature–organisms and ecosystems–that are doing what we want our designs to do. BioBrainstorming is a technique for quickly finding lots of potential models. It involves first asking the right question, based on function, then looking on, going for walks outdoors, talking to biologists, and other techniques such as looking on Google Images and other photo sites.

Zero to Maker: Gateway to Making… Drawing

Zero to Maker: Gateway to Making… Drawing

Regardless whether it’s an email exchange, Skype call, or an in-person meeting, I always make sure to ask them for one piece of advice they would give a wannabe maker. More often than not, the response is some derivative of: just get started. Make that first mistake, pick up that tool, or go out and get your hands dirty. I agree with all of that, but I want to offer another piece of advice: start drawing.