Spider Loafers
Want to combine your love of creepy crawlers with your adoration of fashion? Or just want to make your loafers a bit cuter? You can re-vamp them into a cool printed shoe following this tutorial by Trinkets in Bloom.
Want to combine your love of creepy crawlers with your adoration of fashion? Or just want to make your loafers a bit cuter? You can re-vamp them into a cool printed shoe following this tutorial by Trinkets in Bloom.
Make: Asks is a new weekly column where we ask you, our readers, for responses to maker-related questions. We hope the column will spark interesting conversation and that we’ll get to know more about each other.
There’s still time to start making or just watch this week’s Weekend Project: Spider Rifle . You can view the video here, or subscribe in iTunes to get all our Weekend Projects and PDFs delivered each week.
Make a humane, compressed-air-powered bug trapper that removes unwanted, tiny pests from your world .Thanks go to Matt Lind for the original article in MAKE, Volume 06.To download The Spider Rifle MP4 click here or subscribe in iTunes. Check out the complete Spider Rifle article in MAKE, Volume 06 “Spider Rifle” and you can see […]
Make a humane, compressed-air-powered bug trapper that removes unwanted, tiny pests from your world .Thanks go to Matt Lind for the original article in MAKE, Volume 06.View the PDF of this project. and then subsribe to MAKE Magazine for other great projects you can do over the weekend.
Trilobite beetle of Laos Mad Maxine sent me a great bug link – QuaoArlo has a great collection of videos he’s taken – he’s quite the world traveler and really knows his bugs. My favorite is the Trilobite beetle from Laos – it’s fantastic! It moves in a really unusual way; its legs are all […]
Artist David Rogers makes these wonderful ginormous sculptures of bugs. He started constructing things and learned to weld when he was only 13! His bugs are well-traveled; looks like they’re currently at the New England Wild Flower Society’s Garden in the Woods in Massachusetts.