
Father and Son Build Awesome Button

Father and Son Build Awesome Button

Nick Carter and his son Henry were browsing Goodwill when Henry spotted a Staples Easy Button for sale and wanted to try using it to make an Awesome Button, our DIY USB synonym generator project. Neither of them had much experience with electronics projects, and despite some difficulty with the soldering iron, they managed to […]

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Zen Button

Zen Button

Pete Prodoehl needed a button. A button with a USB connection that would emulate a single keypress. He’s built two now. They’re dead simple. I have no particular need for such a button, but this photo is making me itch to build one of my own.

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The AWESOME Button: A Made-to-Measure USB Input Device

After a quick search of the posts I’ve written for MAKE, it’s clear that I overuse the word “awesome.” It’s not news to me, but I had no idea how bad my problem was. In fact, I think you could say that I abuse the word. In order to cut down on my usage of […]

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