How-To: “Operation” costume
You know, you kind of have to see it blown up to life-size before you realize just how creepy the “Operation” game really is. Outstanding costume build by Instructables user NavySWO91. It works just like the game!
You know, you kind of have to see it blown up to life-size before you realize just how creepy the “Operation” game really is. Outstanding costume build by Instructables user NavySWO91. It works just like the game!
David Carpenter is an effects professional, so this tutorial he’s posted looks especially interesting. Apparently the last three steps (fitting, electronics, and painting) are still incomplete, but the first five are worth the click.
It’s made from reinforced resin and finished with automotive paints by Aaron of Fiberglassblades. That’s him in the Ryo Sanada getup below. Holy crap. Make: Halloween Contest 2009 Microchip Technology Inc. and MAKE have teamed up to present to you the Make: Halloween Contest 2009! Show us your embedded microcontroller Halloween projects and you could […]
Gorgeous raygun construction, spotted on the MAKE Flickr pool, fashioned from old radio and camera parts. Atomic Disruptor Raygun More: MAKE 17: “Discreet Companion” Ladies’ Raygun Tinkerbots’ rayguns
I LOVE these raygun designs by Dan at Tinkerbots. Tinkerbots More: We have our own DIY raygun project in the new issue of MAKE (Volume 17). Molly “Porkshanks” Friedrich shows you how to build her “Discreet Companion” Ladies Raygun. MAKE Volume 17 hits newsstands on March 10th. Look for it at a fine bookstore near […]
A pair of ‘punked out goggles and headphones, posted to a Russian photo site. Gadgets
There were all sorts of amazing and wonderful costumes at Steam Powered. I found myself stopping people in their tracks, in hallways and in the vendor area, asking them to back it up so I could take in their get-ups. Now normally, people might be a little creeped out if you stopped them so you […]