Craft Projects

Discover The Magic of Mesquite: No-Knead Mesquite Bread Recipe

Around this time of year one might notice that their local variety of mesquite tree is littering the neighborhood with odd figured legumes. These curly, hooked and sometimes pom-pom shaped pods (screw bean, honey and velvet) offer up a nutritious treat to the creative forager. With a bit of mastery, the pods can also become high value products – flour and sweetener that sell for 30X their white flour and sugar standards. Mesquite’s sweet, dark taste makes it a great match for pancakes, breads, molasses and a host of baked goods.

Caramel Apple Cookies

What does the arrival of fall make you want to do? The answer to that question for many might be: bake. There is nothing better than the warm, sweet smell of freshly baked goodies. And it finally feels cool enough outside that turning the oven on doesn’t feel so taboo. What else comes to mind with the crisp fall air? Back to school, changing leaves, apples, hayrides, carnivals, and caramel apples to name a few.