Culture jamming

Time For Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts 2.0?

Time For Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts 2.0?

I don’t see kids adding skills they’ve earned to their social networking profiles yet, I mostly see check-ins, bands, movies and status updates. While historic groups like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are sometimes associated with camping and selling cookies for many – I think there might be something new ahead. A peer to peer way of sharing and celebrating skills using the internet (think Khan Academy) and I think the scouts will ultimately go this way too, becoming “Scouts 2.0”.

What is a Hacker? Ask One.

What is a Hacker? Ask One.

I love this pair of “interviews” that hacker legends Mitch Altman and Emmanuel Goldstein gave to the Media Show. When someone says they are a hacker, what do they mean? Are they just big computer geeks? Are they doing illegal criminal things, breaking in and stealing passwords? Mitch Altman, inventor of the TV-B-Gone, tells us […]

How Makers, Hackers, and Entrepreneurs Can Save the U.S. Postal Service

How Makers, Hackers, and Entrepreneurs Can Save the U.S. Postal Service

As I spent the days and nights shipping, I thought it would be interesting to consider how we could transform and evolve the postal system. I think makers, hackers and entrepreneurs have unique ways of looking at things and I’d like to share some of the ideas I had. Most of all, I’d like your ideas. Together we could start some conversations on how we could utilize this national logistical treasure. That’s this week Soapbox, “How Makers, Hackers And Entrepreneurs Can Save The US Postal Service”…