disaster relief

CADUS: A Crisis Response Makerspace In Berlin

CADUS: A Crisis Response Makerspace In Berlin

Trying to make the world a better place – not an unusual goal for a humanitarian aid organization. However, at CADUS we take the „making“ literally: in our Crisis Response Makerspace in Berlin, we innovate and build solutions for challenges in international emergency response. Projects range from soldering kits for open source patient monitoring to […]

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Why the Maker Community is Important After Natural Disasters

Why the Maker Community is Important After Natural Disasters

I find myself writing this a few days after the natural movement of tectonic plates near the southwestern coast of Puerto Rico caused a 6.4 Richter scale earthquake that shook the whole island. For many of us it was a first-time experience dealing with these unexpected heavy tremors that caused major infrastructure damage in various […]

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