DIY Projects

HOW TO send e-mails from any address using Gmail’s SMTP server

HOW TO send e-mails from any address using Gmail’s SMTP server

Gmail A little while ago Lifehacker posted instruction how you could use Gmail’s SMTP server to send mail from any e-mail address. Drawback: Google would always rewrite your From: address back to your original Gmail address, kinda defeating our original idea. Last week then, Google added a new feature allowing Gmail users to add multiple e-mail addys and to choose one from a drop-down list when sending a message via the Gmail interface. What hasn’t been mentioned yet is that once you’ve added another verified e-mail address to your Gmail account, Gmail’s SMTP server would happily forward the new From: address! And this is how you do it… Link.

HOW TO make a Hard Drive Clock

HOW TO make a Hard Drive Clock

Clock On Bright Have an old hard drive that no longer works? As long as it still spins up chances are you could build a clock out of your old hard drive! You will need some electronic knowledge, some common electronic components and a bit of patients. The clock that is produced isn’t exactly practical since most hard drives (especially older ones) are too loud for a clock that is to operate 24 hours a day. Thanks Doug! Link.

HOW TO make a Sound Lab Mini-Synth

HOW TO make a Sound Lab Mini-Synth

Mediumsoundlab Photo Cropped This is an intermediate to advanced project for someone who wants to make cool sounds. It makes a great first synth project but is interesting enough for the seasoned synth person too. When I first designed the synth I made some very lame oscillators for it and I wasn’t happy with them so I put the same basic ramp oscillators that are in my big synth and I’m glad I did. Link.

HOW TO make a Penny Arcade

HOW TO make a Penny Arcade

Penny1 Maker Don Brown writes “I have a hobby of creating arcade machines using computers and MAME. This is a budget arcade cabinet. Instead of a computer running the MAME software, the gaming is provided by a Namco TV Games 5-in-1 game controller, hacked for real arcade controls. So, instead of spending a few hundred on a computer, the controller is $20. Also, inside is a 14″ TV, saving money there too. The Penny Arcade plays Pacman, Galaxian, RallyX, DigDug, and Bosconian”. Link.