DIY Projects

DIY Laser Tag System

DIY Laser Tag System

Blaster Side Bryan writes “Milestag is an open source, high quality, and full featured DIY laser tag system that can be built from basic electronic parts avaliable from almost any electronics parts store. All this for about $50-$100 a gun, where a commercial gun equivalent to it would cost around $800-$2000 a gun”. Link.

HOW TO make a Nintendo controller mouse

HOW TO make a Nintendo controller mouse

Nintendo-Mouse01 If you are like me you get really excited when you find two Nintendo controllers at the Salvation Army. One was priced at $1.00 and the other at $.37 (i didn’t fight the pricing). Of course, they get home and meanwhile occupy a part of my brain that is like a broken stove. There is this back burner that is constantly on. Ideas get on there and just simmer away. So the idea for one of the controllers was to make it a card reader that i can plug my sd or compact flash cards into to transfer files. Sunday morning i came up with my idea for the second one… make it a mouse. Link.

HOW TO make a USB IR receiver

HOW TO make a USB IR receiver

Usb Ir Platine4 Decent HOW TO for USB IR receiver …the construction is not that easy as for the serial IR receiver, but it should not be a big problem for an amateur solderer to solder the circuit referring to the following instruction. Since I wanted to build up everything as small as possible, it took me quite some time fiddling around to develop the following circuit. Link.