Climb Aboard a Dragon to Play in Virtual Reality
Building a real-life prop can add a fun and immersive element to your VR experience.
Building a real-life prop can add a fun and immersive element to your VR experience.
Sean Sobczak left Burning Man feeling inspired. He started working with wire, fabric, and lights to create beautiful and HUGE sculptures.
Celebrate the much-anticipated return of Game of Thrones and raise the stakes on your annual Easter egg hunt while you’re at it with some awesome DIY Game of Thrones-inspired dragon eggs! In his latest video tutorial, Mark Montano just might convince you to forego your usual usual—and really rather tame—Easter egg-dyeing plans this year and, […]
Riding in a metallic, fire-breathing dragon, Adam shared his observations and thoughts about a variety of topics while at Maker Faire.