
Designer Moleskines

Designer Moleskines

One of the longest standing information systems has got to be the notebook. With a notebook, you can put any idea down on paper, and get it out of your mind. Often this will give you more room for new and maybe even better ideas. Sometimes, the notebook itself can become a wonderful object in […]

Andi’s people

Anne Schroeder’s high school math class doodles have turned into a whole host of new characters – Andi’s People. Andi’s People were born during my sophomore year of high school, geometry class, to be exact. Their legs grew longer, their smiles, bigger, and their personality, more endearing. When I moved to Hawaii after college, my […]

Head Controlled Art

Head Controlled Art

New York City based artisits Trevor and Ryan Oakes have invented a method to render, by hand, an accurate camera obscura style tracing of an object or scene onto a curved surface. For more information about Trevor and Ryan and their invention, visit their website Oakesoakes.com or The Machine Project