How-To: Minecraft Brunch Cubes
Play with your food! Instructables user supersoftdrink provided a method for Minecraft brunch: brunchcraft!
Play with your food! Instructables user supersoftdrink provided a method for Minecraft brunch: brunchcraft!
See how to make a cool Lego necklace over on The Long Thread. It’s a super simple process, inexpensive and could be modified to create all kinds of cool designs with multiple bricks.
Since you liked yesterday’s origami Iron Man so much, you might also enjoy the wonders over at The Geekigami Flickr Pool. There’s a group of artists over there folding things like battle robots, Cthulu, and the Starship Enterprise. Can you believe this E.T. was folded from a single square of paper?
Creating faux glass eyeballs (that seem to follow you as you move) is very simple using actual eye images and glass bubble gems. These eyes can then be incorporated into a fabulous steampunk pendant that you… er… can’t look away from.
Brian Chan‘s origami pieces depict insects, plant life and figures, but this intricate Iron Man has me gobsmacked. If you visit the link, you can print a folding diagram and try it out for yourself. (Via
I’ve always loved the foreboding intro animation to a game of Donkey Kong. Now you can have the drama of Donkey Kong kidnapping Pauline in bookmark form!
This is a crafty and eco way to create holders for your earbuds out of an old credit card.