Flashback: Solar-powered bike GPS

Flashback: Solar-powered bike GPS

“During the summertime, I’ll disappear for hours on long rides to nowhere and back. But I have to admit on some rides I’ve gotten so lost I have trouble finding my way home. Happily I was able to build a solar-powered GPS mapping machine, mostly from old computer parts and software I had sitting around my office.” Author Brian Nadels words in the introduction to his DIY Outdoors piece, “Solar-Powered Bike GPS,” from the pages of MAKE Volume 10, are further testament to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention.

Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition

Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition

Sixteen teams gathered today to determine whose autonomously-navigating vehicle would be the fastest around the Sparkfun headquarters in Boulder, CO. Four-wheeled rovers (typically built on RC car platforms) dominated the entries, but there were three flying UAVs, and one spheroid (Nathan, with “labrat”, pictured at right). One team had been designed a tethered model rocket […]

TouchTable map

This is a neat Touchable map via Wired Science. I wonder if Apple has a patent on the multitouch for non-portable applications. He says it was designed for kids to learn geography, but it appears that the Department of Education was not paying the bill. It’s kind of like the interactive LED table from EMS, […]