DIY Street View Kit

DIY Street View Kit

Have you ever wanted your very own Street View camera to capture the places not yet covered by Google Maps? With this DIY Street View Kit from German designer Jan Martin, you can now map your favorite walking trail, camp site, or remote location. The kit can be mounted on a car or worn as a backpack and comes with a custom image processing server and player software.

Ask MAKE: Beginning Electronics and Dog Transponder Dreams

Ask MAKE: Beginning Electronics and Dog Transponder Dreams

Tony asks:

I am really interested in learning about electronics and how to make kits and potentially make things with my kids. However, I am more creative than technical and I was wondering where would be a good book/kit/guide to start with. I am not an engineer and I don’t know anything about circuits, semiconductors or arduino. My dream would to be able to make a gadget i could put on my dog’s leash and it would transmit signals via gps/3g as to where he was if he ran away (which he manages to a lot).