
10 “MAKE” Graffiti Tags Found in the Wild

Next time you see graffiti, take a close look. You might just see a familiar word.

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Poster Pixelater

Poster Pixelater

Ad-cutting is a kind of guerrilla art form, in which parts of adhesive-backed subway poster ads are creatively cut, peeled, and/or mixed-and-matched with one another to subvert the message of the original ad or otherwise make an original statement. This latest offering from NYC’s Free Art and Technology collective is a tool, not just for […]

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Water Calligraphy Device

Water Calligraphy Device

For Beijing Design Week 2011, Canadian artist Nicholas Hanna created this tricycle, equipped with a computer-controlled water graffiti unit on the back (apparently writing poetry and messages on roadways with water is popular in China).

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Projector Disguised as Camera Flashes Images Into Others’ Photos

Projector Disguised as Camera Flashes Images Into Others’ Photos

German inventor Julius von Bismarck refers to his potentially very disruptive brainchild as an “image fulgarator.” The verb, “fulgurate,” means, “to flash or dart like lightening.” According to Herr von Bismarck, himself, it works like this…

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How-To: Magnetically Demountable Ocular Simulators

How-To: Magnetically Demountable Ocular Simulators

I went through a googly-eyes phase when I was in college, wandering ’round applying them to the most inappropriate and disturbing objects I could find, and taking pictures. The mentionable results of this project include googly-eyed tombstones, firearms, surgical instruments, and urinal cakes. None of these photos will ever see the light of day. You’re welcome.

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