
I Heart Geraniums

Sigh.How sweet is that tiny heart? The little dainty petal came from a true geranium (not to be confused with pelargonium, a much larger popular flower). In my yard, these itsy bitsy flowers grow freely in with the grass, clover and forget-me-nots. Because they “go to seed” with great success, many gardeners consider them a […]

I Heart Japanese Maples

I have always treasured Japanese Maples. Long ago I decided that Acer Palmatum were precious and began to covet them, and since then, my feelings have only grown stronger. I live in the redwood forest, where the trees are all evergreens. One reason I’m so attracted to the Japanese Maples is because they are one […]

Growduino in development

Growduino in development

From the MAKE Flickr photo pool Boss Sauce is working on an automated gardening system using Arduino – First mockup of Arduino-controlled garden, here switching a relay attached to a submersible pump to automatically water two plants. The “growduino” smart garden project will, um, grow to include more sensors and controls, but watering on a […]