
Wrangle Your Cables with These 2 Zip Tie Tricks

Wrangle Your Cables with These 2 Zip Tie Tricks

The zip tie or cable tie is a well-known tool for bundling together wires and other elements of your project. Here are some little-known tricks for using zip ties to keep things separated.

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Don’t Frak It Up: 5 Considerations Before You Hack Your Hardware

Don’t Frak It Up: 5 Considerations Before You Hack Your Hardware

There’s good hardware hiding in old appliances and gadgets. Here are 5 things you should consider when you hack your hardware.

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Anatomy of the RollJam Wireless Car Hack

Anatomy of the RollJam Wireless Car Hack

If you’ve been on the internet lately, you’ve likely seen the storm of news of Samy Kamkar’s device that can intercept and store keyless entry codes for cars and garages. Built for under $50 using a Teensy 3.1 and a couple of radios, the “RollJam” device is said to allow its user unfettered access to your automobile […]

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Snack Smart with a DIY Hanging Tupperware Tower

Snack Smart with a DIY Hanging Tupperware Tower

Are you or your little ones prone to fits of hunger-related crankiness? Have a quick treat without interrupting your day with this smart DIY hanging tupperware tower! If you’re looking for a family-friendly snack-time solution that can satisfy both your sweet tooth and your salt cravings — or maybe you’d like to have multiple options at […]

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