Download and Print Maker Mayhem, the Hackerspace Board Game
A cooperative game for 3-6 players where you plan and attempt to execute a crazy hackserspace project together.
Sharing tools and expertise, for technical training and creative collaboration.
A cooperative game for 3-6 players where you plan and attempt to execute a crazy hackserspace project together.
This past week, maker professionals learned about new security measures for their projects and found solace in Arduino’s new leadership.
Repair cafés around the world offer guidance in repairing the broken tech in your life.
Play it forward and give unused tools away for free to friends, neighbors, and local maker groups.
A biohacker is someone with the mindset of a hacker, but who works with different tools, such as pipettes, incubators, tubes or petrie dishes.
Preparing food can at times be a craft or a science. Chefs need the freedom to experiment and a place that can facilitate creativity.
For a makerspace to best serve its Maker community, it needs to be where they are, and it needs to be big enough to support everyone.