
Sharing tools and expertise, for technical training and creative collaboration.

High weirdness at OmniCorpDetroit

This video, posted today on the OCD (hackerspace) blog, made me laugh. And Michael Doyle’s (of OCD) Facebook post made me laugh even harder: If the most recent post isn’t among the weirdest things you’ve seen, either OMNICORPDETROIT isn’t doing its job, or we’d love to meet you. Um… I think you’re doing your job. […]

Geeks Without Borders

Willow Brugh, of Seattle’s Jigsaw Renaissance, sent us word of this new org, Geeks Without Borders. In the above video from Gnomedex, Johnny Diggz explains the origins of the idea. Right now, they’re looking for folks to spread the word to other geeks who might be interested in being involved and they’re traveling to hackerspaces […]