hardware innovation workshop

World Maker Faire NY: Behind-the-Scenes Action

World Maker Faire NY: Behind-the-Scenes Action

The gates to World Maker Faire New York don’t open until 10am on Saturday, but already the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) and surrounding grounds are buzzing with beeping forklifts, rumbling tractor trailers, and busy tent construction crews getting ready for the biggest maker event on the East Coast. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the preparation as we get ready for showtime Saturday.

Pitches with Prototypes: Falkor Systems’ Pet AR.Drone

Pitches with Prototypes: Falkor Systems’ Pet AR.Drone

In the run-up to the Hardware Innovation Workshop (May 14-15), we’ll be introducing aspiring companies and makers competing in the “pitches with prototypes” contest. First up is Falkor System’s Pet AR. Drone. The product is still in development, but CEO Sameer Parekh imagines it as a personal drone for extreme sports photography. Doing a little BASE jumping? Let your drone follow you down while the camera rolls. He calls it “out of body” recording.

MAKE’s Hardware Innovation Workshop Issues Call for Prototypes

MAKE’s Hardware Innovation Workshop Issues Call for Prototypes

The MAKE Hardware Innovation Workshop, set for May 14-15, 2013, has just issued a call for prototypes of early stage products, projects, and ideas. Selected prototypes will be presented at the opening session of the workshop, and featured in the Innovation Showcase on Tuesday, May 14. Each winning entrant will have five minutes to present their idea and a prototype: a two-minute pitch, then a three-minute demonstration of the prototype.