Holiday Projects

BOOM 2006

BOOM 2006

Shannon writes – “For years, when I ask my boyfriend what he wants for his birthday, he replies “to blow stuff up.” This year I’ve actually managed to make that happen, and we’re holding a birthday “blow-out” (literally) for him at this weird/cool venue in Hunters/Bay Point this year. Several self-appointed blowing-stuff-up-experts will be on […]

DIY Ring Light from Christmas LEDs

DIY Ring Light from Christmas LEDs

Mr NikonJohn writes “Did you run out and buy a big old string of white LED Christmas lights because you just knew that they were of the sweetest hackability? I know I did, and I’m going to build one of these right lights and keep it with my camera gear. You never know when your going to need a bit of fill light when doing a closeup, shooting a macro image, or just need somthing to make retroreflective things come alive.” Link.