Holiday Projects

Dalek Advent Calendar

Because nothing really says “holiday cheer” like one of the universe’s most evil creatures… I like to imagine he’s saying “CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE! CELEBRATE!” Ezri_b of Enjoying Life’s Journeys made the felt advent calendar for her family. I have a bit of an obsession with advent calendars, and I think this might be my favorite one […]

Secret Santa: Collin Cunningham – Static Dissipative Footwear

Secret Santa: Collin Cunningham – Static Dissipative Footwear

When I selected Collin Cunningham as my Secret Santa recipient, I thought, “Oh, this will be a challenge!” What do you get someone who already has it all? Good looks (especially with that magnifying visor on), cutting-edge video editing equipment, and a sweet range of electronic tools for his lab. Then it dawned on me that while he always looks stylish in his Collin’s Lab videos, I never get a good look at his footwear.