How-To: Make A Bath Bomb
Take a cozy staycation from the endlessly snowy outdoors with this enticing bath bomb tutorial from Instructables user Rye Soap Kitchen.
Take a cozy staycation from the endlessly snowy outdoors with this enticing bath bomb tutorial from Instructables user Rye Soap Kitchen.
What’s better than having a candy bar? Having a homemade candy bar, obviously. So give yourself an indulgent break with this charming homemade Kit Kat Bars tutorial from A Beautiful Mess.
Getting started on your Valentine’s Day making? Give stressed out friends and family a break from packed schedules and busy days with lovely heart-shaped rose and vanilla bath bombs!
Instructables user timsweet65 shared this tasty tutorial for making candy to be included in a survival kit, which makes perfect sense to me because I don’t want to live in a world without candy anyway.
Give your homemade pop-tarts the Totoro treatment with this adorable tutorial from kawaii sweet world.
There a million cocktail recipes but let’s not forget about our guests that don’t drink alcohol. HGTV offers us 10 Mocktail Recipes so everyone gets a tasty beverage, booze or no booze.
You might not be aware of it but your home has an infestation of the most abundant, versatile, free and under-utilized crafting and prototyping material ever made. A gift from the consumer driven economy we overlook everyday.
This material is sitting cluttered in scattered piles in the basement and in crawl spaces, is buried within dusty mounds in the garage and is waiting to be discarded while overflowing in the recycling bin.
The material I am referring to is good old grade-A cardboard!