How it’s made

HOW TO – Interfacing with a PC’s Keyboard

HOW TO – Interfacing with a PC’s Keyboard

Images-20 Why would you want to interface the Keyboard? The IBM keyboard can be a cheap alternative to a keyboard on a Microprocessor development system. Or maybe you want a remote terminal, just couple it with a LCD Module. Maybe you have a RS-232 Barcode Scanner or other input devices, which you want to use with existing software which only allows you to key in numbers or letters. You could design yourself a little box to convert RS-232 into a Keyboard Transmission, making it transparent to the software. Link.

HOW TO Dell-logo case mod…

HOW TO Dell-logo case mod…

25S This is a great mod, who knew DELL could look so cool. In the world of modding OEM computers are something ugly. They aren’t the easiest to mod and the fact that thousand of people have an exactly same computer doesn’t make them more unique. But an experienced modder like me doesn’t get scared of those facts. Where people see impossibility I see a challenge. [via] Link.

Make an InfoMate a DIY Ambient Orb

Make an InfoMate a DIY Ambient Orb

Guts2 The InfoMate is a device that provides visual / auditory / sensory / etc. information relating to the status of various “tasks.” The tasks may range from checking email or stock quotes, to motion detectors, remote control of the coffee pot, to snail mail checkers. The InfoMate “end device” is artwork: a picture, a sculpture, or other object that integrates the electronics in such a way that it is not obviously an electronic device. The InfoMate is essentially the poor man’s Ambient Orb. Unlike the Orb, it requires a PC and internet connection to work. Link.