
Scan barcodes with your web cam

Scan barcodes with your web cam

I’ve always liked Delicious Library for the Mac (you can scan in any book, movie, music, or video game, the application grabs the data, and puts it on your “shelf) – but, Barcodepedia (cross platform) is all web based, so – you could potentially have online communities of folks sharing/trading etc. Might also be an […]

Put put boats

Put put boats

Csc934 writes – “The put put boat is a steam powered boat. In this use, they are hand made from either baking pan aluminum or flashing. The boiler is made by cutting and flattening a soda can, folding it, then epoxying in two straws.” [via] – Link.

DIY Binary clock

DIY Binary clock

Hans DIY binary clock from scrap – “All the parts for this clock came from scrap. The red LED’s making up the display came from an old video player. The high brightness green LED was also from an old video player (a different one). The TTL logic chips were from old computer boards, with the […]