


You talk, and EtchASound makes your words into 3D sketches – “EtchASound is an installation inspired by the world famous toy Etch-A-Sketch. By interacting with EtchASound audiences can have the unique experience of drawing with their own voice. First the user creates a 2 dimensional image in real time with his or her voice, and […]

DIY  Sensor-to-USB board

DIY $50 Sensor-to-USB board

Peter writes – “The Create USB Interface (which you can build from scratch or buy premade for $50) lets you hook sensors right into USB, meaning you can use them with any software that supports the HUI standard (like games, for instance), without drivers. Also a great option for DIY art, gaming, music, and visual […]

3D Video microscope

Gerald writes – “Since I saw my first 3D movie, “It Came From Outer Space”, in 1953 I’ve been interested in making my own 3D movies. I got my first 3D camera in 1954, a Bell and Howell Three Dimension Company Colorist, which I still have. I was interested in taking 3D pictures through a […]