


Bedouin PackWiFi.Bedouin is a wearable, mobile 802.11b node disconnected from the global Internet. It forms a WiFi “island Internet” challenging conventional assumptions about WiFi and suggesting new architectures for digital networks that are based on physical proximity rather than solely connectivity. Most significantly, WiFi.Bedouin facilitates the creation of a truly mobile web community. [via] Link.

HOW TO make a medium format pinhole LEGO camera

HOW TO make a medium format pinhole LEGO camera

Pinhole Lego Camera Found Photography has a great step by step on making a pinhole LEGO camera – “After making the Lego conversion of my old Polaroid 95a, I decided to tackle another Lego challenge: a medium format Pinhole Lego Camera. I had several goals for the lego camera: 1. First, I wanted to make sure that the film advance knob only turned one direction. 2. Secondly, I wanted to have a film counter in addition to the red window. 3. And last but not least, it would be nice to have some sort of viewfinder.” [via] Link.

Camera Tossing!

Camera Tossing!

51799240 E807A455E5 T Mike writes “I thought you’d like to learn about the new phenomenon of “camera tossing” started by Ryan Gallagher on Flickr. This is tossing cheap digital cameras into the air with shutter open to generate cool streaky time exposures of city lights at night. Here’s my moblog post about it with links. Someone has even tossed their Canon 10D! Link. The pictures are really neat looking.

Return of the photomart?

Return of the photomart?

It looks like taking your digital photos to the photo mart for printing might be a bit cheaper than printing it yourself at home. The printer companies make a lot of coin on the the ink, so in the end you pay more. As this is going on, more people are sharing photos online and may later use print services from those sites. How do you Makers out there print your photos? [via] Link.

Holga mods page

Holga mods page

35Filmkit John writes “If you have one of the hip Holga 120 ‘plastic-cams’ shooting 120 format film has it’s drawbacks, namely you can’t get it processed just anywhere. Well don’t dispaire, with a very small bit of work you can make a 35mm film adapter for it. Just need rubber bands and foam blocks (cardboard will do).BTW, this mod should work for most 120 cameras…” Link.

Tons and tons of camera hacks…

Tons and tons of camera hacks…

Disposable CameraGreat collection of camera hacks…Building a Car Camera Mount: A mount for getting in-car pictures and videos. Hacking Lenmar Mach 1 Speed Charger: Various battery power hacks using this cool charger. How to multiple expose with an APS camera: Want to try some creative imagery? How to re-use Kodak MAX One-Time-Use disposable camera? Let these step-by-step instruction show you how to turn disposable cameras into re-usable spy cameras. Link.