
How To Transfer Windows XP Activation Information…

Images-8 Nice tip. Users who reformat their hard drive and perform a clean installation of the operating system will find that they need to reactivate the product. But, as long as the new installation is on the same system and there won’t be any hardware changes it is possible to transfer the existing product activation and skip having to go through the product activation process again. Follow the steps below to save the activation status information and restore it once your system is rebuilt Link.

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HOW TO run a wireless hotspot with Linux

HOW TO run a wireless hotspot with Linux

Images-85-1-1 Setting up a wireless Internet Service provider (WISP) for your office or neighborhood doesn’t have to be a taxing or expensive ordeal. If you build your network from easy-to-buy equipment and use Linux, you can use the power of shell scripts to make network management easy. This article gives you the tips and scripts you need. Link.

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HOW TO run Windows and Linux on the Sony PSP

HOW TO run Windows and Linux on the Sony PSP

Psplinux Thumb I need to try this, but it looks like this is the real thing…run Windows 95 and Linux on the PSP. I’ve done it by porting the excellent open source x86 emulator Bochs. Windows 95 actually runs quite well but don’t expect it to be a speed demon. It takes about 10 minutes to boot but afterwards it’s pretty usable. I was able to do things like: open “My computer” and browse the virtual hard drive, complete a whole game of Minesweeper and run various other applications. Now you too can get your Minesweeper fix on the go :) [via] Link.

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HOW TO Gothic Martha Stewart

Images-1-1This site sprung from the hypothetical question: “What if Martha Stewart was a goth?” For the uninitiated, Martha Stewart is a phenomenally successful domestic arts champion and stylemaker who advocates an upscale but not ostentatious style of living which has a lot to do with making things yourself and finding new uses for the old, instead of just buying everything new. [via] Link.

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Play video on your iPod

Play video on your iPod

Ipodlinux VideoNice HOW TO for iPod Linux. Want to watch videos on your iPod? Wish there were better games in your iPod’s list of offerings? Maybe you want to draw pictures on your iPod without getting ink on the screen? [via] Link. You can also do this with iPod photos, see my old HOW TO.

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HOW TO make a set of highland pipes from PVC pipe

HOW TO make a set of highland pipes from PVC pipe

Vp001A Describing the construction of these pvc pipes may prove to be much like describing on paper just how to tie a shoe-lace! Will give ‘er a go nonetheless. They’re actually made from 1/2″ light tan-colored CPVC not technically PVC but a “hot-water” version of pvc which is sold here at any hardware store in ten foot lengths. [via] Link.

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HOW TO turn your old PC into a File Server

HOW TO turn your old PC into a File Server

Server-Room5 If you want to give that old computer new life on your home network, try using it as a file server for music or pictures or whatever so that no matter where in the house you are you can access your massive digital library from any computer. Here’s what you’ll need to do… [via] Link.

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