
HYREL 3D Printers

HYREL 3D Printers

Daniel Hutchinson of Alpharetta, GA, is the front man for Atlanta-based HYREL 3D, a startup launched in November through a highly successful Kickstarter campaign. The idea behind their HighlY-RELiable 3D printer design is to provide an open-platform fused-filament system that does not cost as much as “industrial” machines, but requires less assembly and maintenance time than kit-based machines.

Prototype Quick-Build, Low-Cost 3D Printer

Prototype Quick-Build, Low-Cost 3D Printer

Printrbot, just successfully crowd-funded by Lincoln, California resident Brook Drumm, bills itself as an all-in-one 3D printer kit that “can be assembled and printing in a couple of hours.” Hack a Day’s Brian Benchoff gives a cogent technical analysis. Apart from the Kickstarter itself, Mr. Drumm maintains a Flickr set, a Vimeo account, and a fledgling blog dedicated to the project.