Yoda Finger Puppet
Bonnie at StarWars.com shows kids how to make this googley-eyed yoda finger puppet.
Bonnie at StarWars.com shows kids how to make this googley-eyed yoda finger puppet.
Thinkgeek’s April fool’s joke this year was to pretend to sell this Tauntaun sleeping bag. Well, it’s not really commercially available, but someone had to have made the one for the photo! I just love that intestinal lining. Via Neatorama.
Jenny Ryan has a cute project for a girl’s room (or your craft room) up at Apartment Therapy Oh Dee Doh to make this sweet little DIY Dress Decor.
Did you see Google’s tribute to Eric Carle last week in honor of the 40th anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar‘s publication? It made me smile, and so does this wonderful arrangement of cupcakes from the Coco Cakes blog! What an amazing centerpiece that would be for a kids’ party. Via
I know my daughter Chloe isn’t old enough yet but when she is I want to make a play kitchen for her. I have a long ways to go so I’m living vicariously through all the great crafty moms out there. Here’s a great idea by Croq Zine on how to make a toy stove […]
I love this quick craft to make these cereal box bookmarks by Plum Pudding. It’s great way to recycle and a fun project for kids too.
It’s inspiring to look at the gallery of softies in the 24 Stuffed Monsters project done by 4th and 5th graders. Artist/instructor Anne Karsten shows the process of making monsters with the kids as well. Anne Karsten writes: The 4th and 5th grade class learned a bit about product development when they were given the […]