
DIY science is the perfect way to use your creative skills and learn something new. With the right supplies, some determination, and a curious mind, you can create amazing experiments that open up a whole world of possibilities. At home-made laboratories or tech workshops, makers from all backgrounds can explore new ideas by finding ways to study their environment in novel ways – allowing them to make breathtaking discoveries!

Packing for Eclipse Season

Packing for Eclipse Season

Some pointers for safely viewing the partial solar eclipse on October 23

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Build a Bigger Mousetrap

Build a Bigger Mousetrap

Life Size Mousetrap have taken a childhood game and turned it into a sideshow spectacle that any carny would be proud to be a part of. An impressively giant Rube Goldberg machine, music, dancing, clowns and much good humor make this a show you don’t want to miss.

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What Goes Up Must Glide Down

What Goes Up Must Glide Down

Come see a demonstration of the Air Rocket Glider and the all new Compressed Air Rocket launcher v2.0 At World Maker Faire NYC in the Fly Zone, and while you are there, build and launch your own paper rocket that you can keep.

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Making Fun: Kid’s Room Spacecraft

Making Fun: Kid’s Room Spacecraft

I built a spaceship for my four-year-old’s room. It has a control panel full of interesting displays and whiz-bang space sounds. A joystick controls lights and sounds for the engine and thrusters. The payload bay has a motorized hatch and and contains a robot arm for deploying payloads like toy satellites. Headsets provide an audio link between the spacecraft and the Mission Control desk in the other son’s room.

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How-To: DIY Glow-in-the-Dark Stars

How-To: DIY Glow-in-the-Dark Stars

Bring some space-inspired fun to your walls and ceilings with this tutorial for making your own DIY glow-in-the-dark stars!

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