DIY Harry Potter Wands
Learn how to make your own wizard wands just like Harry Potter’s from The wand is simple to make from paper mache. [ via ] Link.
Learn how to make your own wizard wands just like Harry Potter’s from The wand is simple to make from paper mache. [ via ] Link.
Bonnie of Star Wars Kids Crafts shows you how to make your own Japanese-style plush creations with big head and tiny body using our favorite Star Wars characters. Link.
Nine year-old Gracie shows kids how to make a simple small stick chair in this cute video on the Goodyblog. Link.
When I was a kid I loved playing grocery store and would grab my dad’s electronic calculator and use up all up all the rolls of paper. Now, Kids Craft Weekly shows you how you can make with your kids their own toys to play shop complete with a cash register made from a cereal […]
Enable kids to invent their own games.
In place of traditional safety warnings on kids’ toys, Gever Tulley came up with these labels.
Exploring the world of “Amatuer Craftsman’s Cyclopedia of Things to Make.”