
Embroidery Explosion

The crafter at Twitchy Fingers was wanting to use up some remnant embroidery floss, and she came up with this! She says she started out trying to make an eye, but it turned into something more abstract. I love it. Especially how all the colors are indistinguishable when they are all coiled together, and then [โ€ฆ]

Yarn Yardage Leftovers: Crewel Embroidery

Crewel is a great way to use those last bits, and to me itโ€™s a family tradition. Going back to my great grandma we have all preferred Crewel embroidery. Iโ€™m not sure what it is, maybe the thrifty nature of using up leftovers, the soft texture, or just that it was the late 70โ€™s early 80โ€™s and thatโ€™s what all the rage when my grandma and mom were into it. And of course little girls want to be like their moms.